Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Cacaxtla, Xochitecatl and Cholula

Good morning!

In this post, I will talk a bit about our trip 20 minutes far from Tlaxcala, in the sites of Cacaxtla, Xochitecatl and Cholula.

Sorry for the delay, I wanted to upload all the pictures to post the article with them.

So, first, we went last monday to Cacaxtla.
This is an old city founded, we think, by the Olmecas. Its golden age take place as the same time as the collapse of Cholula and we think that the Cacaxtlecas are also responsible for the collapse of Teotihuacàn.
By its location in the region, Cacaxtla has become a large trading post. The name "cacaxtli" in nahuatl means "place where we do trade".

The archeological site is composed by a hill by a palace. We can see the foundations of all rooms and the most impressive are the several frescos very well conserved. The most famous is the story of a battle involving the Olmecas-Cacaxtlecas warriors, winning the battle and sacrifying the enemies.

Then, we went to Xochitecatl, the Pyramid of Flowers, which is actually a large religious site for all the people in the valley between the 3 volcanos: Popocatepetl, Iztaccihuatl and Malinche.
It is composed of 3 or 4 pyramids and very well conserved on a even higher hill than the one of Cacaxtla.
To finish, we've been to see the Pyramid of Cholula. To be sincere, we really saw only the church built by the Spanish, "Our lady of remedies", above the pyramid.
This pyramid is, according to the Guiness Book, the largest monument constructed by man, in term of volume. It's even bigger than the Pyramid of Gizeh, even if Cholula is less high.

You can see all the pictures here: http://s1113.photobucket.com/albums/k515/romain51/Cacaxtla%20Cholula/?albumview=slideshow

See you soon!


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