Friday, 11 February 2011

Tlaxcala Xicohténcatl


Within this quite calm week, I take some minutes to talk a bit about Tlaxcala.

So, Tlaxcala Xicohtencatl is the state of Tlaxcala' capital. This state is the smallest of Mexico and also the poorest.
Tlaxcala Xicohtencatl has around 75000 inhabitants and is located at around 2600m. The highest point of the state is of course the volcano La Malinche (shared with the state of Puebla), with around 4000m.

Tlaxcala is a very old city of Mexico, long time before Mexico exists.

It became a platform for trading in the region because it is perfectly situated in the center of the region, for the products coming from Veracruz's harbour, from the Chiapas in the south or the Chihuahua in the north.

The city and the state of Tlaxcala are among the most conserved from the prehispanical era. They have a strong regional identity with many towns and cities which has kept a name in Nahuatl, the regional language. Now, you know what is Xicotencatl after Tlaxcala.
Tlaxcala history is quite controversial, some Mexican often say that Tlaxcaltecas are traitors because when the Spanish invaded the region ("estupidos españoles" say a girl from Huamantla lol), the Tlaxcaltecas made an alliance with the Spanish to defeat the Aztecas.

I'm sure that you feel indignated too by this betrayal of the Mexican nation... which wasn't at this time. So, please let explain this. At this time, Mexico was a mix of many tribes and the Aztecas where the leaders by force.
Tlaxcala, which is at 2h (today) of the Azteca's capital (Tenochtitlan), was the Tlaxcaltecas tribe's capital. This two tribes weren't really friends because the Aztecas had almost all the lands around the Tlaxcalteca region and often went in the Tlaxcalteca tribe to take some slaves or warriors for sarifices.
So, when the Spanish arrived, the Tlaxcaltecas made a strategic move while creating an alliance with the invaders and after the Aztecas fall, they didn't have problem to keep there names and a large part of their culture.

Well, soon, a map of the region and photos of my nicy nest.

See you!


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